Foot cleaning grating / Shoe-cleaning grating


A foot cleaning grating 😊, a shoe-cleaning grating 😊, it might sound better, but the meaning and the purpose of the product remain the same. So, what kind of creature is this?!

We're sure that during our 24 years of operation in Estonia, you've stepped on it many times and continue to do so. Perhaps over this time, more than one pair of your favorite shoes has worn out 😊! We hope no one will file a complaint about this 😊. Especially if you like going to the movies, at the main entrance of the Coca-Cola Plaza Tallinn cinema, look down and you'll see this miracle, which has been lying at your feet for about 22 years and continues to proudly carry the banner of our quality! 😊 And as they say, just like at a parade 😊!

So, the point is, how do you do business with such quality? Most of our world produces products that break right after the warranty period ends, just like our dishwasher broke exactly three days after the warranty expired 😊.

Nevertheless, we will continue to stick to our line, and what we wanted to say remains unchanged = "It is important to us what we do and how we do it. We are not the first and we are not the best, but we believe that we make a genuine and reliable product, gratings, with our hands and machines, with love, here in Estonia."

Some might say, why do I need it, everything is already clean for me, maybe that's the case if you work underground, in a sterile bunker, for example, in Area 51, which is not far from Las Vegas 😊, then yes. And if that's the case, get in touch, it would be interesting to talk to you! Seriously, install this grating in front of your office door, in a clean office where people walk in shoes. After a week, you will be pleasantly surprised at how much dust and dirt it has collected under itself…!

Visit our website in the "foot cleaning gratings" section via the link and choose your shoe-cleaning grating!

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